flow analysis
designed by Jihwan
Unlock the Power of Data with Dynamic Insights: Dive deep into comprehensive data flow analysis with Microsoft Power BI and Fabric. Experience the magic firsthand by requesting a personalized demonstration of my analysis reports, or explore the "powerbi works" page & "blog" pages for inspiration and generate your own unique insights. Let's embark on this data-driven journey together!
Making Dynamic Format String More Dynamic for End Users, in Power BI
DAX Queries in Fabric Notebook - A Journey of Efficiency and Insight
How I learned to use the DETAILROWS DAX Function in Power BI
Standardizing Number Formats in Power BI Reports by Implementing a Dynamic Format String Table
How I start using DAX Query View in Power BI.
Fundamental skills for transforming data in Fabric.
Developing a Direct Lake Mode Semantic Model & Power BI Report with GitHub Integration
Enhancing Power BI Custom Themes with New Icons
Creating Field Parameter in Direct Lake mode Semantic Model in Fabric
Building a Direct Lake Semantic Model in Fabric Workspace with Tabular Editor 3
Using INFO.xxx DAX Functions to Create Tables with Semantic Model Information
Storing a result of INFO.XXX DAX Query in Fabric Lakehouse: Using It as a Source Table
Documenting DAX Measure Dependencies in a Power BI Semantic Model Using Fabric Notebook
Fabric Data Pipeline & Notebook: Executing Power BI Semantic Model Refresh with Incremental Refresh Configured
Implementing Fabric Pipeline to Ingest Data into Data Warehouse with Integration of Lakehouse Notebook Prior to Execution
Fabric Notebook & Data Wrangler to Transform and Ingest Tables into Lakehouse
Power BI Semantic Model Full Refresh via Rest API - Enhanced API
Renaming Reports and Semantic models in Power BI Git Integration Workspace
Uncover the Power of Visual Calculation in Doubling Performance for Pareto Analysis Compared to DAX Measure in Power BI
Unveiling the Boundaries: Delving into the RESET Parameter's Constraints in Power BI Visual Calculations