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Analyzing my professional experiences in Power BI

Jihwan Kim

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

In this writing, I want to share how I analyzed my professional experiences in Power BI, and what I have planned for my future.

When creating visualizations of my professional experiences, it took so long time to finish it. Because it was quite difficult for me to decide which information not to describe on the first page of the report. After considering about a few days, instead of worrying about what not to show, I chose to describe one piece of information, that is the count of months of my experiences.

This information is shown at the top left side on the first page. I only have one page to show, and the rest is shown by the tooltip-pages and drill-through-page. Finally, I split the months’ count information by country, organization, department, and function.

The first month of my profession is drawn below.

Shown as above, I first started my career in South Korea at Valex Logistics, in the sales team as supporting the team.

Until December 31st, 2009, as shown below, I have experienced in two countries, three companies, two departments, and four functions.

And the below two figures describe until December 31st, 2015, and until February 28th, 2021. Additional information can be shown by hovering over each visualization.

Readers can select one country from the green-bar-chart or one organization from the orange-bar-chart, then a drill-through-page shows up with detailed information about the job description.

By analyzing my professional experiences in Power BI, I could see that the function of analyzing data started in January 2009 together with the function of sales and management support. I remember that, at that moment, my main job in the organization was sales and management support, and performing the data analysis was supporting the main function of my job. At that period, I mainly used excel, as everyone else did. As time flows, sometimes data analysis function was the main function in order to support sales and to enhance operations process, sometimes operations job was the main function and my skills in analyzing data helped a lot to improve the flow of the operations. My next job’s main function might be sales, operations, data analysis, or others. Whatever job function I do, as clearly shown in the report, the function of analyzing the data and information will be always together, and it will definitely help me to have and present actionable information for stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.

I hope this helps to have fun in creating your CV in Power BI.

I publish to web to show it like below.

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1 comentário

Abayomi David
06 de set. de 2022

Well done... I would like to know if you started off with preparing a spreadsheet. Thanks.

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